Contact us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on our website or email us directly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.



Friendship Branch
Mabalacat Branch
Cavite Branch
Tarlac Branch

beige rotary telephone
beige rotary telephone

📞 (0969) 232 1901
📞 (0995) 200 0175
📞 (0960) 560 6686
📞 (0995) 795 6298
📞 (0912) 317 5841

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  • Please contact via email for bulk orders.

✅Angeles (Friendship) Branch

Contact No. (0995) 200 0175

Opening Hour:

MON - THU 10:00-19:00

FRI - SUN 8:00-20:00

✅Mabalacat Branch

Contact No. (0960) 560 6686

Opening Hour: 08:30-17:30

✅Cavite (Silang) Branch

Contact No. (0995) 795 6298

Opening Hour: 09:00-18:00

✅Tarlac Branch

Contact No. (0912) 317 5841

Opening Hour: 09:00-18:00